Transformation Tuesday #11: Garage Overhaul
Organization achievement unlocked! I feel like I'm on a roll with these garage clean-outs. I worked with a friend on paring down her garage before the final move.
It's a few basic tips that help a project like this go smoothly:
Identify your sub categories of stuff (yard/garden supplies, tools, extra household goods, etc).
Sort your items by category (make a sign so something that's meant to be kept doesn't get too close to a donate or toss pile)
Donate/toss/recycle items immediately! It's hard to watch these piles grow when organizing so be sure to remove items each day of your garage overhaul.
My favorite part about this project was discovering some of the items my friend had kept from her childhood - most notably some New Kids on the Block cards (we both agreed that Joe was our fav) and her incredible collection of children's and young adult books (The Face on the Milk Carton was a major throwback for me and she was kind enough to let me borrow it so I could reread it).