Transformation Tuesday: Garage Tidy Up

What can I say? I love these garage projects! They can be just as impactful as a kitchen pantry organization session or closet makeover. This particular client mentioned on our call that spring and fall are optimal times to organize and I couldn't agree more! If you skipped the spring cleaning, this time of year is great so when the weather is crummy, you can get your home settled so you can really enjoy and feel super cozy (plus that whole knowing where everything is thing is great too!).

This garage was already in pretty good shape but the owner wanted to streamline a few things and make the gardening tools/lawn care products more accessible. Sadly, I forgot to take the official "before" picture but these give you a sense of what we were working with - the usual "line the perimeter" of stuff.

We have some storage accessories arriving this week to get the rest of the brooms/shovels/rakes together and some heavy duty utility hooks to hang the ladder horizontally on the wall. Official "after" pictures to come next week!

To kick things off, we started with pulling out all the cleaning and gardening products. The owner really wanted a better way to store the lawn mower and other bulkier tools and we realized that we needed to shift the shelving around to allow "parking" those items underneath. The back corner shelving became the main gardening center with related tools and products. The next shelf over will store all other tools (some of which we still need to consolidate from what's inside the house).


In three short hours, we filled up my car with donations and some items set aside for the transfer station (including a dead lawn mower which the transfer station will recycle for free!).

After our storage accessories show up, we still have a little bit of work with some non-garage items that need to get incorporated back into the house (artwork, furniture). 


Transformation Tuesday: Entry Way Closet


Meet the Minimalist: Heather Fisher