Transformation Tuesday #35: Bedroom Tidy-Up

I love perusing People or US Weekly and seeing the "Celebrities - They're Just Like Us!" and it's someone buying orange juice at the store.

So ... organizers - they're just like us! Yes, I love clear, open spaces and maintaining order, but there are days when my entryway and bedroom are truly chaotic (generally a reflection of how busy I was that week). If I'm working with multiple clients during the day or meeting with friends for dinner or heading to an event, stuff accumulates on the entryway table or my bedroom floor. Often the laundry fresh out of the dryer finds its way to the bedroom (at least I'm moving it one step closer to where it eventually needs to end up) but then clothes from that day get tossed aside and ... sigh, what's clean and needs to get folded/put away?

I took this video with my phone the other week to show how easy it is to invest a little bit of time (6:29 to be exact!) to get clothes put away, a load of laundry started, and the bed made.

I know that making the bed is a controversial topic because you are just going to "mess it up" every time you get back in it each evening. I started making the bed daily because it allowed me to control the neatness of the room and made it easier to find things. If I didn't have time to fold laundry, I had room to set it on the bed vs. throwing it on the floor.

What's your favorite quick tidy-up tip? 


Transformation Tuesday #36: Spruce(r) Things - Christmas Edition


Transformation Tuesday #34: Entry Way Quick Clean-Up