Transformation Tuesday #36: Spruce(r) Things - Christmas Edition

Last week when I was tidying up our storage unit, I was looking at the Christmas decor and realized I needed to get a tree now or come up with another plan for decorating the house. Don't get me wrong - I love having a tree and decorating it for the holidays. This year it just felt like so much was going on so I decided to get creative with what I had in my Christmas bin.

I've been on a kick lately where I really want to use up what I have, as much as possible, before adding another errand to my list and another thing to purchase. I find when I have some constraints, I'm often more creative because I'm working with less. As much as I love the scent of a Douglas Fir in my home, I thought this would be a good opportunity to make do with what I have while saving a little cash as well.

I give you my newest little time lapse, Spruce(r) Things, the Christmas Edition! In less than 20 minutes, I cleared off the wall in the living room to string up lights and hang my "Merry Christmas" sign and ornaments. Definitely transformed an ordinary wall into something more festive for the holidays. I opted for some pretty calligraphy letters for more of a holiday feel. My little decorating project was interesting enough that even Archie and Walt made brief cameos to scope out the scene!

I'd love to hear your Christmas decorating hacks or tips - let me know in the comments below!


Transformation Tuesday #37: Lighter Living Area


Transformation Tuesday #35: Bedroom Tidy-Up